7 Ways to Remodel Your Kitchen Without Ruining Your Relationship

Just imagine walking into your kitchen at some ungodly hour of the morning. As you fumble for the light switch, you have completely forgotten what your eyes are about to see. Of course you have! For years you endured your dilapidated old cabinets and the dated tile counters.

You despised that nasty sink and peeling vinyl flooring. And let’s not forget that 1972 yellow globe light. Disco fever anyone?

The same thing…over…and over…and over. Your old funky kitchen was your reality. Not a place of gathering to enjoy. A dungeon. A place of shame. It made food possible, and that is it.

But not today! As the light switch travels upwards, the lights instantly illuminate the darkness. As your eyes struggle to adjust, you see something amazing: Beautiful new cabinetry, glistening white subway tile, and counters that are the envy of the neighborhood.

Your zombie-like state instantly changes into shear jubilee! It is done! Just then your spouse walks in and you both share a knowing grin. It is just for a moment, but it feels longer. It almost felt like two moments.

You did it! You remodeled your kitchen and you’re more in love with each other than ever. It was difficult, but you did it.

Decisions and deadlines, tiles and flooring, paint colors and contractors, and a bunch of money did not derail the love train!

How do you do it well?

In this infographic, Sean Walsh, a pastor, and the owner of Walcraft Cabinetry, shares the path to victory. Based upon numerous years of kitchen remodeling and cabinet making experience, Sean has seen just how much stress, friction, and fights can result from a kitchen remodel.

Risk a smile, and take a look at “7 Ways To Remodel Your Kitchen Without Ruining Your Relationship.”

7 Ways to Remodel Your Kitchen Without Ruining Your Relationship

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